Richard Castro (Chardy)

Richard ‘Chardy’ Castro is very sports-minded. He has impeccable work ethic and knows how to self-motivate. With compassion and competence, he helps others become team players and not give up. Over the years, he has assisted people in attaining their fullest sports potential. He takes the time to deeply listen, understand, accept, and help anyone who consults him.

He began his journey in the outdoors in 2009 and became a river guide in the country’s white water rafting capital, Cagayan de Oro City. In the same year, he found a passion for mountaineering and began to love outdoor activities. He started working with Beyond TV as a facilitator and was later invited to join Asia Pacific Adventure in 2016.

He is known as ‘The Shrink’s Shrink.’ When other shrinks need advice, inspiration, or treatment, they eagerly and confidently turn to him for help when it comes to outdoor activities.

He is currently in love with downhill mountain biking and various types of paddle sports. He even teaches people with an inclination for biking psychological skills to enhance their concentration, determination, and overall performance in sports.