Camp APA Home
2024 Camps

Questions & Answers

General Questions

Go to the Camp APA Programs page and either click on the “Sign Up” button. Once you have clicked on this it will take you to our online enrolment form. Complete the form and payment is made online using your credit card while registering. More details on how to make the payment can be found in the online enrolment form.

Payment is made online using your credit card while registering. More details on how to make the payment can be found in the online enrolment form. If you are unable to make payment online by credit card at the time of registration, we also offer two other payment methods:

  1. FPS – please send to the address
  2. Bank Transfer – please see below for bank transfer details

Bank: HSBC

Account Name: Asia Pacific Adventure Limited

Account Number: 808-019913-001

The remaining spots on each camp are visible on the online enrolment form when you select the program that you would like to enrol in. 

If the camp is full, you will no longer be able to select the program. However, please feel free to complete our Waitlist Form, which can be found on the online enrolment form underneath the Program Selection boxes. You will be asked to select the camp(s) you are interested in and leave your contact details so that we can contact you if any spots become available on our camp(s).

Yes, if all the spots on the camp you are interested in are full, please feel free to sign up on our Waitlist Form which can be found on the online enrolment form underneath the Program Selection boxes. You will be asked to select the camp(s) you are interested in and leave your contact details so that we can contact you if any spots become available on our camp(s).

We require participants to be within the age range by the time the camp starts. We are only able to make exceptions if your child is 1-2 months younger or older from the camp start date. As our programs are specifically designed for the particular age group, we find that if there are large age gaps in camp it can affect the overall experience of all other participants.

However, if the participant is signing up with an older sibling/friend for the same program, the age gap can adjust to 6 months, if the older student is confident to take care of the younger one, and the participant him/herself is feel comfortable to be around with older students.

Please email us at if you need to make an amendment to the date of the camp you have enrolled for. Kindly note the following terms and conditions:

  • Spot available on the program they requesting to enrol
  • Minimum of 2 weeks before the commencement date of the program they requesting to enroll
  • Staffing is not affected for the program they requesting to enrol (ex: If the program has 12 participants enrolled and this pax will make it 13, the staffing number changes for technical activities if any)
  • Valid reason for change of date

This depends on the type of program you are enrolling in. Please see below:

Day Camp Programs:

Food is not provided. Participants will need to bring their own lunch and snacks. We will provide filtered drinking water throughout the day. As participants will be heading to remote areas around Hong Kong, there will not be any refrigerator or microwave available to us. Recommended packed lunches and snacks include sandwiches, Japanese rice balls, dried fruit, and fig bars.

Overnight Camp Programs:

Food will be provided starting from the first night’s dinner. We will offer three well-balanced meals, along with fresh fruit and snacks. If you have any allergies, please note them down in the enrollment form.

Participants will only need to bring personal items such as a hat, water bottle, lunch and snacks. APA will provide all necessary safety equipment for the activities. After you have enrolled in a program you will receive an information pack with a detailed Kit List that includes everything participants will need to bring as well as other important details.

Within each team, participants will be organised into pods of 3 – 4 participants each. Grouping requests are made when signing up on our online enrolment form under the Friend/Sibling Grouping Request section. If you have multiple friends/siblings that you are signing up with, please list the person you would like to be with most at the top of the list. While we will do our best to group you with your stated requests, please understand that sometimes this is not always possible, particularly if there are large groups of friends attending the same camp together.

No. We require all participants to wear personal floatation device(PFD) for all water activities where the water depth is above the knee. For every water activity there will be one Camp APA staff member for every 6 participants to monitor safety. We also operate on a challenge by choice principle. This means that no staff member will force a student to participate in an activity that they are not comfortable doing.

As we have limited spots available on our camps, our registration works on a first come first served basis. As such, we are not able to reserve spots for participants who have not yet signed up.

Any photos that are taken during the program will be shared with you via Google Drive after the program has been completed. A link will be sent to you following the program which you can use to access these photos.

Please be reminded that our APA Staff Team’s first priority is to give each participant a fun, safe and fulfilling experience. They will do their best to take photos when it is appropriate but this also means that at times our photo taking capacity may be limited. That being said we do try to take as many as we can and share them with you.

Participants are allowed to bring cameras on our programs, although we generally recommend bringing waterproof and disposable cameras and avoiding expensive cameras that risk getting damaged or lost.

For mobile phones, we prefer that participants do not carry mobile phones on the program. In the event of an emergency, APA staff mobile phones can be used to contact participants’ emergency contact persons. Nonetheless, we understand that some participants may find it helpful to carry a mobile phone while traveling before and after the program. If participants choose to bring a mobile phone, they will only be permitted to use them during designated times.

APA strongly discourages any electronic devices, as it detracts from the experience and objectives of the program and can impact on safety during activities. Camp APA will not be responsible for the breakage, damage or loss of the student’s personal belongings.

Don’t worry! During our water activities we will provide and require participants to wear our personal flotation device (PFDs/Lifejackets). Safety is our number one priority.



Our safety ratios are based on the technicality and risk of each activity that we run on programs. Participants will be grouped into teams of up to 12 participants per team with 1 staff facilitator leading each team. For general land based and non-technical activities we operate on a ratio of 1 staff to 12 participants. For activities involving some technical elements such as hiking or gorge walking the ratio is 1 staff to 9 participants, where we will have additional staff supervising safety on activities. For technical activities involving water sports or high elements, the ratio will be 1 staff to 6 participants.

Members of APA’s management staff and delivery team have a broad range of qualifications from internationally recognized governing bodies such as the British Canoeing and Mountain Leader Training Board (MLTB), the New Zealand Outdoor Instructor Association (NZOIA) and US-based Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA). As well as this all new staff to APA must go through an induction program to ensure that their skills and knowledge are at a high standard.

Yes, every staff member is required to be at least first aid certified. Most staff will be Wilderness First Responder Certified.


Cancellation, Rescheduling & Weather

As all Camp APA programs require advanced booking for items such as transport and staffing, there is a set cancellation policy in place that is based on proximity to the program dates. At the time of enrolment the participant must pay 100% of the program fee. Any changes or cancellations that need to be made to your enrolment will fall under our cancellation policy as stated below:

For Hong Kong programs:-

  • Upon payment of the program fee, 25% of payment is a non-refundable deposit.
  • Cancellation by participants more than 60 calendar days of program commencement results in a refund of 75% of the program fee. 
  • Cancellation by participants between 60 to 8 calendar days of program commencement results in a refund of 50% of the program fee. 
  • APA will not make any refund of program price for cancellations made less than 8 calendar days of program commencement.
  • If a participant leaves during a program, for any reason, no refund or partial refunds will be made for any remaining portion of the program.

For Overseas programs:-

  • Upon payment of the program fee, 75% of payment is a non-refundable deposit.
  • Cancellation by participants more than 60 calendar days of program commencement results in a refund of 25% of the program fee.  
  • APA will not make any refund of program price for cancellations 30 or less calendar days of program commencement. 
  • If a participant leaves during a program, for any reason, no refund or partial refunds will be made for any remaining portion of the program.

If your child cannot make one of the days please email or call us to let us know. It is important that we know if your child is not able to attend as we will be waiting for them at Central Pier otherwise. Please note that if a participant leaves during a program or does not attend one or more of the days, for any reason, no refund or partial refunds will be made for any remaining portion of the program.

If weather conditions are deemed unsuitable by APA during the program, APA reserves the right to modify program duration, activities and/or locations for the safety of both participants and staff. In the event of inclement weather based on the Hong Kong Observatory’s announcements, the following arrangements will be made:

If a Black Rainstorm Warning or a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted at 6:30 am, the program will be cancelled for the day. The remaining program days will commence as normal, weather permitting. If the Black Rainstorm Warning or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is cancelled before 6:30 am, the program will commence as normal. APA will notify participants of cancellations as soon as possible.

If a program day is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be no refund of program fees but APA will arrange a rescheduled day for participants on the following Saturday. If there is more than one day postponed we will inform the participants of the additional make up day dates.

Yes, if a program day is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be no refund of program fees but APA will arrange a rescheduled day for participants on the following Saturday. If there is more than one day postponed we will inform the participants of the additional make up day dates.



Contact Details

Tel: 27927160


Whatsapp: 55098548

Please follow us on social media. To stay up-to-date with the latest info.